Monday, January 18, 2010

2010 Kickoff...

Caleb was given a play tent for Christmas and we decided to set it up in his room...Adam moved his play table inside and Caleb has spent a lot of time playing inside! The tent has a separate tube that connects to it and Caleb has a lot of fun crawling through it...

Caleb has also been fighting a cold again and with this one has come quite the cough! He is feeling a lot better today and isn't quite as snuggly as he has been the past few days!

While we were out shopping, I found a pre birthday outfit for Caleb...I decided that he needed to do a little fashion show for me (which he didn't love) but I got a few pics!

I got a few other shirts to go along with his shorts too so that he can wear them more than once!


Kelley said...

I love that outfit. He is absolutely adorable. Thanks for coming today!

Unknown said...

Adam estou ficando velho seu filho esta grande nossa. fico muito feliz pela familia linda e especial que nosso Pai Celestial te deu.
Nao consigo me comunicar com voce.
Meu skype rob.pfaltzgraff
Meu email
Nao me deixe ser ter noticia sua e de sua familia acredito que ficarei feliz em receber noticias, não sou perfeito mais perfeito quero ser. abraços do seu amigo e irmao robson pfaltzgraff do brasil.

Anonymous said...

me mande um email amigo Adam por favor tenho muitos noticias para te contar ok.
seja um irmão em cristo de verdade ok!
abraços a sua esposa e filho e a seus pais por mim abraços robson pfaltzgraff, meu msn email