No joke...i haven't had ANY desire whatsoever to update the blog! I sad! I have to say though, blogging has lasted longer than any type of scrapbooking i've ever set out to do!! Sorry Caleb, I'm just not there yet!! The Colson's have been extremely busy these past few weeks with Adam reaching Dr. Colson status! It was such a neat experience getting to watch him defend his thesis...contrary to what anyone might think, (because I didn't make it past Chem 101 in college) I did keep up with what was going on with all of that "Chemistry Talk"! No offense to Adam and those in his profession but NERD ALERT!!! Ad and I celebrated with a fancy dinner at Ruth's Chris was SO YUMMY! We had a lot of fun trying to act ritzy, but instead felt super poor!!! We are going to save our pennies so that we can go back in a few years!!!
We also decided to celebrate Ad's win by traveling to Utah/Idaho for our Christmas Vacation! We again spent some time up in both the Sawtooth and Wasatch mountain ranges...learned what it was like to be cold again (it seriously does NOT get cold in Texas)...70 degrees today friends...and lived in what we at the Colson household like to call a sweatpant purgatory! (I know my mom is sercretly upset that I wore sweatpants and a big coat for our family pic)! OH YES I DID...WHAT?!? You'll see further down the page! She would never say anything though!!! It was just SO COLD...ALL OF THE TIME!!! Once again it wouldn't be a great holiday without our wonderful families and all that they do for us! Thanks moms and dads for all of the good food, good fun, and fabulous family togetherness times! You will see as you read on, our great adventure up in the north!! Enjoy y'all!!!!
Stanley was first in our holiday travels and I just have one reoccurring word to describe it...COLD!! We had a fun time with Adam's family enjoying both the outdoors and indoors! Caleb loved playing games with Nana and his cousins McKinlee and Logan, we spent most of our time in our pajamas (AWESOME!) and just relaxed like we always do when we head up Stanley's way! Caleb got to spend some time in the snow and had a blast...just what we needed!!
Snow Angels!! A special thanks to McKinlee for getting Caleb out of his comfort zone and into the snow! He followed her EVERYWHERE!!
See what I mean?? Where are those kids' parents?!?
Caleb WAY ahead of Mom and Dad on the trail!
Ice on the creek...
This is a picture of Caleb's and my feet as we went sledding...this was the only time that we got Caleb to even sit on the don't think he liked it!!
He ended up just standing at the top of the hill and cheering everyone on!
Adam's turn!!
I will give you two guesses what Logan and Caleb are playing here and the first one doesn't count!!!
So Adam and I got a wild hair and decided to snowshoe down to Stanley Lake one day. Let me just set up the scene by letting y'all know that it didn't get to 0 degrees until about 1 in the afternoon, so by the time we left it was about 4 degrees...COLD, right?!? We probably snowshoed about 6 miles round trip and had some fun just being together in the quiet countryside! We were the only ones out on the trail!! Would I do it again...Absolutely! Adam likes it when I go all outdoorsy!!!
We actually stayed pretty warm the whole trip...I think my face did freeze on the way back though...
it took a little while to get the feeling back when we got home!!
Time to head back down the 3 mile trail! This is just proof that yes, we actually did snowshoe!!
The traditional Sawtooth Mountain pic...this one includes snow!
A little Christmas love!
In honor of Caleb's other obsession, Nana and Poppa got him a Build a Bear plays music and everything!
Christmas at the DeRoest's!!! Do you think Caleb got everything on his list??
We should've changed the name to Angry Bird Christmas because that is what the boys played ALL WEEK LONG!! We had a lot of fun in SLC going to see the Chipmunks movie, going to the Dinosaur Museum, going bowling, Ad and my favorite putting the Siz outta Biz, and going to a lot more movies!!! We got to play with Kooper and Maddox for the whole week...i got a little shopping in WINK! and just had fun with the fam!
Angry Bird Piggies...I am the crown pig, Ad is appropriately the mustache pig and Caleb has named himself the helmut pig!
Imagine Caleb yelling "ANGRY BIRDS!" in a high squeaky voice!!!
Maddox getting in on all of the angry bird action!
Getting ready for a trip down to the SLC temple to see all of the Christmas lights...i love how caleb is starting to look like a little marshmallow here!
Tired of Angry Birds yet?? Quite the cute beanie!!
SWEATPANTS!! Don't cringe Mom!! We decided to get a family pic down by the temple...I was being quite the brat and was against any type of dressing up, which normally i'm all for, but can i just say again...IT WAS COLD PEOPLE!!!
Adam with an angry bird? I don't know what's going on with Caleb here!
I still can't believe Adam and I were married's just so beautiful!
Another angle of the SLC temple with the nativity in the reflecting pond...
A beautiful close up of the nativity!
DINOSAUR MUSEUM!! Good luck trying to get the kiddos to sit still for any type of picture!!! We had a great time with my nephews just running around and looking at all of the sights! This museum was awesome!!
Sand + Water = kind of mess...good thing my kid doesn't like to be messy OR have sand on his hands! Thanks OCD!!
We found Tank the Triceratops and told Caleb he had to take a picture with him...Caleb didn't really want to!
Yes, I know, we got a picture with the shark at the dinosaur fact friends...shark like fish called cretoxyrhina lived during the dinosaur period!! Yes, that is the sound of you learning on our blog!!! Did I spell cretoxyrhina right? Probably not, but I also have learned a lot from Mr. Conductor on Dinosaur Train!!!
Thanks for stopping by the Colson Fam blog!! We hope y'all have a happy start to your new year!!!!!
DIY Valentine’s Earrings
2 weeks ago
What a fun update. You guys really know how to live it up! Cute pictures.
Its Ashley. U guys Have A great Blog u Really put ur Life In there which makes People feel like they were there with u!!!
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