We just got back from our Holiday vacation today and WOW did we have a GREAT time! We spent some time with both of our families in Salt Lake and Stanley...got spoiled to death from both of them, and Caleb learned some new tricks along the way! By the way, does anyone have advice for how to keep your kid from jumping out of their crib?? It started only Saturday with Caleb climbing out of the pack and play at my parents house and tonight we found out that he can also get out of his crib (even on the lowest setting) WHAT?!? He is so not ready for the big boy bed and I know we're just going to start having problems if I even try to put him in the bed by himself!! HELP!!!! We are truly practicing tough love at this point! Anyway, here are a few pics from our trip...we had a good time!
Santa came and visited Caleb the morning we left to Salt Lake...I had a write a pretty convincing letter to get him to come early! Of course Caleb got some fun things to add to his Elmo collection.
Caleb not knowing what to think about his new toys!
Happy Halloween jammies to celebrate the season right!
One new thing that Caleb got to experience was the cold and snow! It was quite the change to have to put on so many layers of clothes!
Here is a quick video of my big boy talking a walk in the snow!
My big boy taking a break from walking in the snow...the sled was easier to get around in!
Thanks to grandparents who would rather spend their time with Caleb...Adam and I got to get out and spend some quality time with each other (which we haven't gotten to do for a while!) We went shopping, out to lunch, to the movies, and even got some cross country skiing/snowshoeing time! It was fun to play a little bit knowing that Caleb was playing hard with the GP's!
Here's me on the skis...this was only the 2nd time that I have been cross country skiing and got the hang of it pretty quickly! It was a lot of fun!
Out for a stroll with the Mr. and a WOLF??? Nah...that's just Ad's family dog Koka!
Couple pic...awwwwwwwwwwww!
Ad on the snowshoes...doesn't he look like a stud???
Caleb had more fun playing with all of the jumperoos and exersaucers that the GP's had...this is just a close up pic of our boy being more of a baby!
The day before we left Stanley it snowed a foot and a half! I was totally nervous for the drive home, but things worked out okay! We had such a great time seeing our family! What a vacation!
DIY Valentine’s Earrings
2 weeks ago
wow j! i didn't know you cross country ski! my advice....just get a toddler bed. (actually i skipped the toddler bed and just went to a regular bed and bought a guard rail) once they can climb out, they can also fall and land on their heads....trust me.
Cute, cute, CUTE!!!! You, Caleb, Ad, your blog! All of it! XOXO Nana
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