WOW! Have I really taken this long to post? That's not right! But we've been REALLY busy! So just to update, I'm currently finishing up my Spring Break! I go back on Monday...BOO and YEA at the same time! That means that the school year is almost up BUT I have to take Caleb back to the babysitters! We have had such a fun time together, and I don't love taking him back, but he needs to go and play with his friends instead of being clingy to his mom! My whole family came down to visit this past week. It was so fun to show them around and just hang out...we ate out EVERY DAY!! and believe me, there are some good places to go and eat down here! We also got to shop and I took them to go gator huntin! Nikki was so AWESOME and cut and colored my hair (which looks fab!) and it was just so fun to have Mike, Bailey and Kooper here. Caleb just LOVES his cousin Kooper and followed him EVERYWHERE! Koop got to stay longer and went home with GMA and GPA D, so we got him used to having a little brother since he has one on the way (Kooper has a little bro on the way!) He wasn't sure what Caleb was doing when he tried to climb him or grab his toes, but he got used to it!! I felt bad that it rained the first two days that Mike and Nikki were here, but when they left last Monday, it was beautiful out! I miss my family tons, but was glad that they came down for a visit! Love Y'ALL!!
Caleb had his 1 year wellness appointment last week. He weighs in at 27lbs. 14oz. and is 33 inches long. The doctor informed me once again that he isn't in any percentile and had gone way beyond the charts sometime ago! He IS proportionate for his height and weight and is healthy and happy! He is in a size 24 months, and of course is now our little man! My dad worked really hard to try to get him walking and I think he's getting more used to the idea. He's starting to get braver and stand by himself AND can walk with me just holding one of his hands! He has been so snuggly with me lately and will give kisses (which I LOVE!) and just hope that never goes away! What a crazy couple of weeks! Enjoy the pics!
The boys...Koop always smiling and Caleb not looking too sure!
This is just a typical Koop and Caleb pic...I love both of their faces in this one!
Caleb enthralled by Elmo's World!
Wishing he was potty trained...Wait, that's my wish!
LOVE that nakey bum!
Caleb wanting to get into the tub...he stood there everytime Koop got a bath!
On Tuesday, my mom and I had a girls day and went shopping. GPA got to stay home with the boys and this is what we came home too! EVERY toy that Caleb owned was out on the floor! GPA said that he just went to town and had a great time doing it!
Caleb wondering what all of the fuss was about!
Some EXTRA CUTE pics of Caleb Keith...
KOOPER!!! I had so much fun with this kiddo! I'm glad he got to stay longer! We got to play some games on the Wii and he gives the best hugs and kisses!
Back to Gator Hunting...I took the fam back to the gator park that Ad and I went to a few weeks ago and boy was it fun...we went on one of the trails around one of the lakes and there were gators EVERYWHERE! Here is Koop and GPA by one of the bigger ones we saw!
We weren't supposed to get off of the trails...remember "Don't Annoy the Alligators?" but Nikki and her BF Johnny couldn't resist! That's my sister...always looking trendy and fabulous even surrounded by gators and swamps!
Caleb and Uncle Mike...Caleb loves his Aunts and Uncles!
Walking on the trail...
Me and my boy!
Some more gators sunning themselves!
DIY Valentine’s Earrings
2 weeks ago
Thanks for a great week!! We miss those sweet smiles and kisses from our little chunk!! Love you G&G D
We had fun too. Wow that picture of my kid in the bath with your kid standing next to it makes it look like we don't feed Koop. We do I swear. Thanks for letting Kooper stay and play.
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