This is one of my favorite times of the year because it's fall and in Houston that means that our weather is at a high of 80 degrees instead of 105 degrees, plus the humidity is getting lower! It's also time for Halloween which has just gotten exciting again because we have Caleb, AND Adam celebrates his Birthday! We have had an exciting week of pumpkin carving, trunk or treating, and birthday "cup"cake eating and we have enjoyed every bit of it! I've posted a bunch of pics, so enjoy!
Pumpkin Carving...
We decided that we were going to carve pumpkins this year and see how Caleb would do. For those of you who know our son, he is kind of a baby that doesn't like weird things on his hands (i.e. this summer at Bear Lake he had a hard time with the sand...didn't love it) Anyway, we had perfect pumpkin carving conditions with it being so close to bedtime and all and Caleb wasn't a fan of the pumpkin guts. He looked so offended that i put his hand into the gooey stuff. He was then trying to eat the pumpkin goo off of the pumpkin scraper and about hurled! It was pretty funny to watch. Ad had his pumpkin carved in like 5 minutes and of course the camera ran out of batteries before I could take this is what we have...Caleb carving his little pumpkin!
By the way...that is a regular 20 pound pumpkin...Caleb is the giant!!!!
Happy Halloween!!!
This year Adam went as the Brawny man from the paper towels and I went as a mom/teacher! Next year will be our year with Caleb understanding a little more what Halloween is all about!
What a stud!!
We went to church this year to take Caleb Trunk or Treating...Caleb was a tiger this year and looked sooo cute! We took a lot of pics of our little man!
Caleb was actually interested in sitting in the back of the trunk and reading his Elmo book. He actually wouldn't go walk around with me until I brought it with us!! He's a stubborn one!
Caleb actually has been getting over a cold and would not let me put on his little black nose and whiskers...again STUBBORN!!! He looks cute without!
Caleb's candy haul...he actually doesn't eat a lot of candy so we didn't go to a lot of the trunks...Ad and I didn't want to end up eating it!!!! I'm sure next year will be very different!
Having fun on Halloween Night!!!
Adam's 29th Birthday!
We spent the whole weekend celebrating Ad's birthday starting off by going to one of his fav restaurants in Houston for fajitas...yes friends that's Pappasitos I'm talking about! If you ever come to Houston, you need to go there because they're really good! We gave Adam and early Halloween/Birthday present yesterday and then made him wait until after dinner for his birthday cupcakes and to open presents! I'm glad that we were able to spend so much time and have fun together as a family this weekend!
The classic birthday cake, presents, Caleb picture!
Caleb had just woken up from his nap and was having a few post nap grumps...I seem to remember a picture of myself making this same face at one of my brothers birthdays! Classic!!
Adam is not really a cake person and usually asks for a pie for his birthday! Because of this, I try to be more creative in what I get him for his birthday treat! This year was gourmet cupcakes from a cup bakery in town called Ohh La La! This cupcake is the peach melba...vanilla cake with fresh peaches baked in with rasberry buttercream frosting, sprinkled with sugar and a rasberry on top! DELICIOUS!!!!!!! Happy Birthday Babe!!!!!
DIY Valentine’s Earrings
2 weeks ago
When does Caleb graduate from the onesies to the twosies? Now I know the kid has designer clothes but they must be taking up space in some drawer. You need to do Grandma DeRoest proud and put some clothes on the kid!
Guess who?
mmmmmmmm! I want those cupcakes! caleb is such a cutie pie I just want to pinch those cheeks! Berkley's 1 year birthday shes is crying in half the pictures too! I love the hair1 did you put red in it- looks super cute- take care j!
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