Well, we made it back from San Antonio and had a wonderful time! We stayed downtown at a fun bed and breakfast on the riverwalk. We were only a few minutes from the Alamo and all of the fun downtown attractions, so packed up Caleb in the stroller and went for a walk!! Of course we couldn't see everything, and it was really hot and humid, so on Saturday we just stuck to the Alamo and the riverwalk and then on Sunday we went to see all of the old Spanish Missions. There are 5 total (including the Alamo) and very beautiful. They still hold Catholic masses in them and in one they hold a Mareache mass(i totally botched that spelling) where a Mexican band plays the music. We got to hear it and it was fun to listen! We had some really good breakfast, met some really nice people and Caleb liked people watching! We got Caleb a coon skin cap and an armadillo for his souvenirs and will take some pics of that soon! It was fun to take a break and relax a bit for a few days! Here are a few pics of our trip!!
Where I found Caleb the night before we left. He can't roll over yet, but he can sure wiggle into a tight spot!!
Ready for the road trip!
The Alamo!!
Daddy and Caleb at the Alamo...this building was the libriary behind it!!
Having fun at the riverwalk...we were waiting for our table to go and eat!!!
Here are some more pics of our trip...more of the Alamo and the Spanish missions!
DIY Valentine’s Earrings
2 weeks ago
Cute baby boy!!! He makes us smile!! Love Mom and Dad
So fun I love the river walk in San Antonio. My first airplane ride ever was to San Antonio. Love all the pictures Caleb is such a happy baby! What a fun little vacation.
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